Coming back to school from break we had more and more issues to deal with in regards to our new system. I spent one entire day cleaning up patron information. Several individuals were not in their proper designations.
Related to our data issues not all patron information was converted correctly. For example several patrons had books checked out and Infocentre didn't show them as checked out. Other issues were related to fines. Infocentre in some cases wasn't able to correctly show fines for patrons who owed them. Adjustments to loan periods helped rectify several of these situations however our data corruption from Athena threw a major money wrench in the works!
As a result of the inconsistencies we've been checking books in using both Athena and Infocentre at the same time. After spending several consecutive days on the phone with Sagebrush it was apparant the only way to work around the data issues was to run parallel systems. To date we've yet to receive all remaining Athena books. As we've continued to check out with Infocentre the system has worked flawlessly.