The high school was the third building in the corporation to undergo the system upgrade. The Friday before spring break our tech department started our upgrade. I was looking forward to the new fresh software and all the capabilities it would provide us. The data conversion commenced around 11:00 am that morning. The conversion process didn't finish until late in the evening that night. Longer than we expected.
Monday morning, during Spring Break, I met with technology to discuss the next stage of our conversion. Of the 10,000 some titles in my collection the conversion only gathered 1063 titles. Consequently we were forced to re-run the conversion. After a failed second attempt technology was forced to export my data to Sagebrush for support.
By Thursday of vacation the data was evaluated and imported into our network for Infocentre's initial trial. All said and done I lost 48 items from the collection due to data corruption from Athena! To make matters worse neither Sagebrush or my technology folks could pinpoint what 48 items I had lost records of!! Needless to say I spent the remainder of vacation looking into the records trying to make sense of the confusion. The only good that came from this was I learned the ins & outs of the new software attempting to make sense of things.