Corporation Media Specialists have been consulting different systems over the past several months. The goal being unifying all PCSC buildings under one automation system. The following companies and products have been under consideration.
Follett - Destiny
Sagebrush - Infocentre
All buildings but one have been using Sagebrush's existing product Athena. The Sagebrush corporation has built a completely new software, Infocentre. The goal with Infocentre was to compete with the much larger used Follett product. Sagebrush has combined all their previously supported packages' best features to create Infocentre.
As media specialists we felt the familiarity with Sagebrush's Athena and the upgrade cost per building warranted the purchase of Infocentre. The cost per building was literally thousands of dollars less, each, due to our current customer status with Sagebrush.